Welcome back Saturday, you were missed

Happy Saturday everyone! Its a bright and sunny day and I couldn't be more excited for the weekend to come! This weekend i'm hoping to go and explore my city with a few of my friends, go to some cute coffee shops and find some cool thrift shops. I love going thrift shopping and finding something that you can bring to life again! I always wonder who wore it before me though and what kind of story it has behind it, if that makes any sense. Like maybe the piece of clothing has traveled all over the world or it just made someone smile every time they put it on....maybe it was attached to a special memory. And even if its just a plain old piece of clothing I am happy to recycle it into my closet. When you go thrift shopping make sure to look in every section, it may be a bit time consuming but you never know what your going to find; thrift shopping is like a treasure hunt. When i'm thrifting alone I like to bring my headphones and get some beats going. Here are a few of the son...